The Creative Element by Scott Olgard

The Creative Element by Scott Olgard

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"If you are looking for some nice, easy to do card magic, this could be just your cup of tea. " -The Magic Portal, Reviewer

The first card magic book that turns into a video!

The Creative Element is the latest book by Scott Olgard, featuring 19 effects and probably the first magic book ever to make use of augmented reality!

Containing a selection of card magic developed over the last 4 to 5 years, with 19 effects across 3 chapters, this release has something for everybody from beginner to professional. Chapter 1 focuses on effects that can be performed with a borrowed deck, chapter 2 is based around a move called 'The Nowhere Vanish', and chapter 3 focuses on effects that require some work, such as a stacked deck or gimmicks that you can make yourself.

Chapter 1: A Borrowed Deck

  • Catch Yourself Catching Yourself (Sandwich)
  • Imaginary Enemy (Vanish)
  • Tyrion Crimp (IMPromptu crimp)
  • The Calm Cop (Cop technique)
  • By George! (Prediction)

Chapter 2: The Nowhere Vanish

  • The Nowhere Vanish (Utility move)
  • SleepWave (Impromptu brainwave effect)
  • False Art (An exposé of skill)
  • Shadow Moses (Vanish)
  • Box Car(d) (Card to box)
  • Locked In (Sandwich)
  • Breathe (Card Vanish)
  • Imagine (Color changing prediction)
  • Final Thoughts on the Nowhere Vanish

Chapter 3: Some Assembly Required

  • Shuffle Me Up (Multiple selection)
  • Zitro (Skill demonstration)
  • Bloc Party (Hypnotic deck)
  • Bonus: Head Club (Coin flip)
  • Final Thoughts

The book is softback and includes full explanations with high quality photographs, and includes a bonus effect that doesn't use cards. What's more, certain effects within the book are available as a video tutorial available through the augmented reality app 'Aurasma' on your smartphone/tablet at no extra cost - a first for magic books! More details included within the book.